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Re: [Xen-users] Xen Sources

> Hi,
>  I am new to Xen. I would like to get the source code of xen. Actually
> i have got the sources from 
> http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/downloads.html. but
> there were no .c or .h files. It would be very much helpful if
> someone can help me  to get the sources.
Did you download the 'seed' archive for the Mercurial repository? If you
did, you need to 'cd' into the directory and run 'hg pull -u' to get the
sources themselves. If you downloaded one of the nightly snapshots, the
sources should be in there. If there were no .c or .h files, what files
were there?

#include <funnyquote.h> /* required by ANSI 146093 signature standard */
#include <asciiart.h> /* mandatory under RFC 149705 formatting scheme */
#include <noworddocs.h> /* needed to stop people sending useless junk */
#include <deathcircus.h> /* for the fans    http://surreal.istic.org/ */

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