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Re: [Xen-users] xen on a remote computer, installing virtual machines without cds

My guess is try a standarized kernel first. I don't know much about grub,
but is it possible to set up a kernel to boot default and if it fails switch back
to an original kernel?

Is there somebody that had physical access and can select a kernel at boot?

If your standarized kernel works, try incrementing little tweaks.
If you can set up an almost identical machine locally (same mb would help a

Kind regards,


Sueveges Gyoergy wrote:

Hi All,

I have just downloaded xen. We rent a computer with suse 9.3 (1000km from here, access with ssh2). I'd like to install 2 virtual machines (both with suse), of course without CD or floppy (due to distance). So I have no X and no CD. In this case what can be the best way to install xen, and the virtual machines?


ps: As I see in the documentation, xen can be configured only with grub. I have lilo, so xen with lilo is not possible?


Robin van Leeuwen

RLD Software - ICT Services
email: rvl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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