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[Xen-users] kernel compilation

Hi List,

as I still can't call me a kernel hacker please help me understanding some 
details regarding a custom kernel.

I followed the manual and was able to get a working kernel. (Actually without 
any changes to the defconfig).

# cd linux-2.6.12-xen0
# make ARCH=xen xconfig
# cd ..
# make

followed by 

# make install
and ./install.sh

I have some questions now: 

- the proceedure as above worked fine with a RAID. On another machine (Debian 
Sarge with LVM on RAID1) I was not able to boot. I learned to create a initrd - 
but don't know how. What tool do I have to use and how? (mkinitrd / yaird / 

- I would like to have another dom0 kenel supporting ISDN. I tried to adapt the 

cp -al linux- linux-
cd xen-2.0/linux-2.6.11-xen-sparse/
./mkbuildtree ../../linux-
cd ../..
echo "-xenA" > linux-
diff -Naur linux- linux- > 

cd linux-
patch -p1 < ../archive/linux-
cd ../
mkdir install
cd linux-
cp arch/xen/configs/xen0_defconfig .config
ARCH=xen; INSTALL_PATH=../install; INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../install
make menuconfig
make modules
make modules_install
make install

but failed (lot's of links seem missing). Can someone please let me know (like 
above) how to generate another dom0 kernel to host my Asterisk.

- as I run XEN on Debian Sarge I downloaded a FedoraCore3 image from xen-get. 
I'm trying to get things working properly so I would like to make a Fedora 
Kernel for this domU according to my system. Please - how to do that?



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