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Re: [Xen-users] Domain state blocked?

It just means that they were not running at the instant that xentop
looked. This is completely normal. Try running a process in an
infinite loop on one of your domU's and then look at xentop. I bet you
will see that it is in the running (r) state...


On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 02:49:11PM -0400, Joe Polchlopek wrote:
> Searched the archives and didn't find the answer to this question. We've
> recently set up Xen on some CentOS 4.2 boxes and gotten our virtual
> domains running nicely, but one thing is not clear. When I look at
> domain listing ('xm list' or 'xentop'), it lists our domains as b or
> blocked. Everything seems to be working. What's blocked referring to?
> xentop - 14:42:08   Xen 3.0.1
> 3 domains: 1 running, 2 blocked, 0 paused, 0 crashed, 0 dying, 0 shutdown
> Mem: 1047936k total, 1047152k used, 784k free    CPUs: 4 @ 3192MHz
>       NAME  STATE   CPU(sec) CPU(%)     MEM(k) MEM(%)  MAXMEM(k)
>   Domain-0 -----r        698    0.2     828428   79.1   no limit
> n/a     4    8  2840683   289012    0
>        VM1 --b---         15    0.0      98304    9.4      98304
> 9.4     1    1        0        0    0
>        VM3 --b---         57    0.0      98276    9.4      98304
> 9.4     1    1     4133     6992    0
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Jeffrey I. Schiller
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