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Re: [Xen-users] Domain state blocked?

And you would win the bet. ;-) Tried your suggestion and ran xentop. I saw the state briefly move from b to r a couple of times.
Jeffrey I. Schiller wrote:
It just means that they were not running at the instant that xentop
looked. This is completely normal. Try running a process in an
infinite loop on one of your domU's and then look at xentop. I bet you
will see that it is in the running (r) state...


On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 02:49:11PM -0400, Joe Polchlopek wrote:
Searched the archives and didn't find the answer to this question. We've
recently set up Xen on some CentOS 4.2 boxes and gotten our virtual
domains running nicely, but one thing is not clear. When I look at
domain listing ('xm list' or 'xentop'), it lists our domains as b or
blocked. Everything seems to be working. What's blocked referring to?

xentop - 14:42:08   Xen 3.0.1
3 domains: 1 running, 2 blocked, 0 paused, 0 crashed, 0 dying, 0 shutdown
Mem: 1047936k total, 1047152k used, 784k free    CPUs: 4 @ 3192MHz
      NAME  STATE   CPU(sec) CPU(%)     MEM(k) MEM(%)  MAXMEM(k)
  Domain-0 -----r        698    0.2     828428   79.1   no limit
n/a     4    8  2840683   289012    0
       VM1 --b---         15    0.0      98304    9.4      98304
9.4     1    1        0        0    0
       VM3 --b---         57    0.0      98276    9.4      98304
9.4     1    1     4133     6992    0

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Jeffrey I. Schiller
MIT Network Manager
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue  Room W92-190
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
617.253.0161 - Voice

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