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Re: [Xen-users] Windows XP, Drivers & Xen

Hi Mats,

If you want the longer answer, please look for "3D Graphics" in the
archives of this mailing list, as I've written the answer at least 6
times by now...
I read your new FAQ item. Now i think about the use of two graphics 
cards. Most of the new boards come with two PCI-E Slots.
Card 1 Memory Area 0 - 256M
Card 2 Memory Area 256 - 512M

The main Dom0 use only the memory area from 0 - 256MB. The DomU use the memory area above the 256MB and could access the second graphic card.
Under HVM / Windows i disable the second card, and the first under 
windows one use the memory from the second from the pci.
If this possible? Today two cards are cheap. Maybe we could simple patch 
the main System to reroute the access?

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