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Re: [Xen-users] Run a script after creating a domain

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> I think the OP was more interested in running a script after the
>  new domain had started - rather than after it had been created for
>  the first time

Yes that's it, but I want to start it at system boot.
Ubuntu starts all VM's which configuration files located in
/etc/xen/auto. I just want something automatic, rather than to
initialize every VM in /etc/rc.local, but also thanks for the tip.

- ----------------------------
Roberto Gonzalez Azevedo

Steve Kemp wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 11:47:51AM +0100, Tom Z. Napierala wrote:
>> Dnia Thursday 14 September 2006 00:26, Roberto Gonzalez Azevedo napisa??:
>>> Is it possible to run a script after creating a domain ?
>>> e.g.
>>> xm create -c /etc/xen/auto/domain
>>> ...
>>> after this, execute a script.
>>> e.g.
>>> /etc/xen/scripts/myscript.sh
>>> ...
>>> Any ideas ?
>> You can use xen-tools package (http://xen-tools.org/software/xen-tools/). 
>> Excellent tool, you can run several hooks after creating domain, there are 
>> also "roles" you can assign to the dom during creation.
>   I think the OP was more interested in running a script after the
>  new domain had started - rather than after it had been created for
>  the first time.
>   My solution would be to right a shell script:
>   #!/bin/sh
>   # /usr/local/bin/start-vm
>   #
>   if [ -z "${1}"  ]; then echo "Usage: $0 domain; fi
>   xm create ${1}
>   if [ -x /etc/xen/${1}.sh ]; then
>     /etc/xen/${1}.sh
>   fi
>   That will run "domain.sh" after starting "domain".
> Steve
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