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[Xen-users] windows 2003 hvm performance on xen 3.0.3 and xen 3.0.4

i'm testing windows 2003 on xen/hvm and today i installed xen 3.0.4.
I used the old image disk of win2003 and it started without problem, i see then that even if xen 3.0.4 support apci/pae/acpi/smp cpu on windows, my old installation was for 1 standard pc with no smp/apic support. So i installed from scratch win 2003 on xen 3.0.4 and at the end i got 2 cpu just putting vcpu=2. I started to notice (with xentop) that the windows 2003 with smp enabled, consume much more cpu then the single cpu win 2003 and i notice also that win2003 installed from scratch on xen 3.0.4 for smp support had bad persormance. While win2003 uniprocessor standard pc version is very fast, the newer smp/2cpu had bad performance. why? i thinked/hoped to had improve performance from a windows2003 smp/2cpu but isn't so...
Some suggest?

@lessandro Marzini

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