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[Xen-users] Dom0 networking again

Hi List!

I have a bridging setup in my Dom0. Everything worked as expected in the
DomUs from the beginning. I also attached a serial console to Dom0 for
debugging the boot-process which worked perfectly as well.

The Router DomU fetches an internet-ip from the inode-device, connects
through pppoe and masquerades all traffic from lan through. It also has
a dchp-server running. The Devices are called lan and inode via udev.
    |Dom0------              _______|
    |          \            |       |
----|--lan---lanbr----DomU: |router |
    |                /      |_______|
    |               /       ________|
    |              /       |        |
----|--inode--iodebr--DomU:|pubserv |

What I want to do now is simply attach the Dom0 as a client to the lan
because serial console sucks to work on...
I do get an ip if i start dhclient on lanbr (device lan doesn't work),
but I can't reach any machines, also Dom0 isn't reachable from the
router DomU which is a bit funny because i get an ip.

There are no iptables-rules on Dom0 AND DomU (except masquerading and

in xend.conf
i start my-network-bridge:
dir=$(dirname "$0")
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=0 bridge=inodebr
brctl addif inodebr inode
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=1 bridge=lanbr
brctl addif lanbr lan
"$dir/network-bridge" "$@" vifnum=2 bridge=xenintbr

and my-vif-script:
dir=$(dirname "$0")
"$dir/vif-bridge" "$@" vif=inode bridge=inodebr
"$dir/vif-bridge" "$@" vif=lan bridge=lanbr

brctl show looks like this:
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
inodebr         8000.0000210716b2       no              inode
lanbr           8000.0000cb021337       no              lan

Can anyone give me a hint where to continue debugging my setup?

regards, gregor

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