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Re: [Xen-users] xen version compatibility

On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 02:26:56AM +0100, Mark Williamson wrote:
> > Do you know if you can run dom0 and the hv with different versions?
> > E.G. I install the HV from source (3.1.0) and then I use yum to
> > update the kernel on dom0 so it's using 3.0.3.
> Originally, dom0 kernel and Xen had to be matched.  That's no longer the case 
> but I'm not entirely sure when this change happened.  I would suspect that 
> non-matched dom0 and Xen is not a frequently used / well-tested case...

The 100% critical thing is to match HV + userspace tools. As of 3.0.4 it is
no longer neccessary to have a matched Dom0 kernel, but it is recommeded 
since you may loose certain functionality (particularly if backend drivers
have changes).

> I suspect you can use a dom0 kernel from 3.0.3 with Xen 3.1.0.  I believe you 
> can use a 3.0.4 dom0 kernel with 3.1.0.

You can definitely mix  Dom0 3.0.4 kernel with 3.1.0 HV - that's actually
what we're (temporarily) doing with Fedora 7, until we've got the 3.1.0
kernel merged correctly with 2.6.20

> I'm not sure exactly how the tools handle missing support for stuff like 
> 32-on-64 (and how graceful this is), as I have no experience of trying this 
> sort of configuration.

32-on-64 won't work if you've got a 3.0.4 Dom0 kernel, even if HV and userspace
are on 3.1.0 because backend half of the drivers fails.

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