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Re: [Xen-users] Guest Network Some can Ping, Some can't Ping

I use a laptop directly connect to the xen server (domain 0) using cross network cable.

It works very well. I started the guest1, It also can ping the guest1 from my laptop.

Does that mean the xen server can't accept too many connections?? or because my switch/hub?? But other servers(not xen) are working fine.

could some one help me?

Xin Chen wrote:

Sorry for the last empty post....

Actually I only have 1 guest on Xen Server.
oh, by the way, I assign two ip for the guest1.  Like:
eth0 and eth0:0
one is for internal ip , the other is for external ip,
they are using same mac address, is that alright?

Peter Braun wrote:

Try to connect with crossover cable directly to the xen host server
and check ping.
What is the hardware? Which network card? Which xen version and kernel?

Second check if there is not in use one MAC more times.

I have had similar problem - was not able to ping 9th and more guest.
The problem was on switch - limitation of 8 mac per Ethernet port.



2007/6/6, Xin Chen <xcheney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi All,

Domain 0 : Fedora 6
Guest 1: Fedora 6
Environment: Server and pc clients are in the same network(class c).

pc can ping domain 0 and very good, no timeout.
pc can ping Guest1, say 5 mins, then timeout for some mins, then can
ping again.  It is not stable at all.
Guest1 can ping every pc very well.
It is so strang!

in config file: it is using 'xenbr0'.

What I tried,
In domain 0, I switched from eth0 to eth1, even worse:: guest1 can't
ping others either.

The server is production DNS server, we are in painful now....

need help.

Thanks in advance!


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