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[Xen-users] Compiling Xen 3.1.0-src on Debian AMD64 Machine

Hi All,

I am trying to compile Xen 3.1.0 via sources onto a Debian Etch AMD64 machine. I read through the README docs several times and then located this document.


This is the list of extra applications that I have installed onto the Etch machine:

# Debian packages

apt-get install gcc -y
apt-get install make -y
apt-get install binutils -y
apt-get install zlib1g-dev -y
apt-get install python-dev -y
apt-get install libncurses5-dev -y
# apt-get install openssl-dev -y
apt-get install openssl -y
apt-get install xorg-dev -y
apt-get install bridge-utils -y
apt-get install iproute -y
apt-get install udev -y

# Install system tools

apt-get install bcc -y
apt-get install bin86 -y
apt-get install libc6-dev -y
apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 -y
apt-get install x-dev -y
apt-get install kernel-package -y
apt-get install build-essential -y

I commenced the compile using "make world" and it almost successfully completed. The failure seems to be concerned with openssl headers.

Error output =>

XENFB_TOOLS=n ./chk build
Xen CHECK-BUILD  Wed Aug 15 14:01:56 EST 2007
Checking check_crypto_lib: OK
Checking check_libvncserver: unused, OK
Checking check_openssl_devel:
 *** Check for openssl headers FAILED
Checking check_python: OK
Checking check_python_devel: OK
Checking check_sdl: unused, OK
Checking check_x11_devel: OK
Checking check_xgettext: OK
Checking check_zlib_devel: OK
Checking check_zlib_lib: OK
make[3]: *** [build] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/download/distributions/xen/xen-3.1.0-src/tools/check'
make[2]: *** [check] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/download/distributions/xen/xen- 3.1.0-src/tools'
make[1]: *** [install-tools] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/download/distributions/xen/xen-3.1.0-src'
make: *** [world] Error 2

I did some searching through the xen-user archive but have been unable to find an exact match for the failure.

uname -a:
Linux xendesk 2.6.18-4-amd64 #1 SMP Fri May 4 00:37:33 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux
ls -l /lib/libc.so.6:

Thanks in advance, bdm.
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