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[Xen-users] Problems installing a virtual machine

  • To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • From: "Pedro Rafael Alves Simoes" <pedro.a.simoes@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:26:10 +0000
  • Delivery-date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 02:26:54 -0800
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=message-id:date:from:to:subject:mime-version:content-type; b=qKQf6BxW/sLNP8s+rLRatPdsyIwSZTofT+7S++sdE3tSSqROV/H4WWVia9SoZy3TFJA/fMPGffM+9WSGLmObZB9hCs1Vnwas9ANuehJnEjukjnQTInCmkzQytmbNZ7yd3iHSy8LjZH13vgUcvjMXu8FlXtdhlgD8UPTeH5JdzKs=
  • List-id: Xen user discussion <xen-users.lists.xensource.com>


I'm having problems creating virtual machines with Xen. I've followed this tutorial to install Xen and it's virtual domains: http://www.howtoforge.com/debian_etch_xen_3.1. Well, it didn't work. The Dom-0 seems to be ok, but the xen-create-image is not running quite well. This is my command:

xen-create-image --verbose --size=2000M --swap=256M --ide --lvm=virtua --hostname=vm01 --memory=128M --kernel=/boot/vmlinuz- 2.6.18-xen --debootstrap --dist=etch --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --arch=i386 –passwd  

I created the LVM group with the following commands:

pvcreate /dev/sda3

vgcreate virtua /dev/sda3


This is the full output from the xen-create-image:



General Infomation


Hostname       :  vm01

Distribution   :  etch

Fileystem Type :  ext3


Size Information


Image size     :  2000M

Swap size      :  256M

Image type     :  full

Memory size    :  128M

Kernel path    :  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-xen

Initrd path    :  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.18-xen


Networking Information


IP Address 1   :

Netmask        :

Gateway        :


Executing : /sbin/lvcreate virtua -L 2000MM -n vm01-disk

Finished : /sbin/lvcreate virtua -L 2000MM -n vm01-disk 2>&1 | tee --append /var/log/xen-tools/vm01.log

Executing : /sbin/lvcreate virtua -L 256M -n vm01-swap

Finished : /sbin/lvcreate virtua -L 256M -n vm01-swap 2>&1 | tee --append /var/log/xen-tools/vm01.log


Creating ext3 filesystem on /dev/virtua/vm01-disk

Executing : /sbin/mkfs.ext3 -F /dev/virtua/vm01-disk

Finished : /sbin/mkfs.ext3 -F /dev/virtua/vm01-disk 2>&1 | tee --append /var/log/xen-tools/vm01.log


Executing : /sbin/mkswap /dev/virtua/vm01-swap

Finished : /sbin/mkswap /dev/virtua/vm01-swap 2>&1 | tee --append /var/log/xen-tools/vm01.log

Executing : mount -t ext3 /dev/virtua/vm01-disk /tmp/Rni00FKNyr

Finished : mount -t ext3 /dev/virtua/vm01-disk /tmp/Rni00FKNyr 2>&1 | tee --append /var/log/xen-tools/vm01.log


Installing your system with debootstrap mirror http://debian.ua.pt/debian/

Executing : /usr/bin/xt-install-image --hostname=vm01 --location=/tmp/Rni00FKNyr --dist=etch --cache=no --debootstrap --mirror= http://debian.ua.pt/debian/ --verbose --arch=i386

Finished : /usr/bin/xt-install-image --hostname=vm01 --location=/tmp/Rni00FKNyr --dist=etch --cache=no --debootstrap --mirror= http://debian.ua.pt/debian/ --verbose --arch=i386 2>&1 | tee --append /var/log/xen-tools/vm01.log


Customization Script Environment:


        'HISTCONTROL' = 'ignoredups'

        'HOME' = '/root'

        'LANG' = 'en_US.UTF-8'

        'LESSCLOSE' = '/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s'

        'LESSOPEN' = '| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s'

        'LOGNAME' = 'root'

        'LS_COLORS' = 'no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:su=37;41:sg=30;43:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.flac=01;35:*.mp3=01;35:*.mpc=01;35:*.ogg=01;35:*.wav=01;35:'

        'MAIL' = '/var/mail/root'

        'OLDPWD' = '/tmp/QLtiThM3Hc'

        'PATH' = '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11'

        'PS1' = '\h:\w\$ '

        'PWD' = '/tmp'

        'SHELL' = '/bin/bash'

        'SHLVL' = '2'

        'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' = '/tmp/ssh-sHqCdy2989/agent.2989'

        'SSH_CLIENT' = ' 4777 22'

        'SSH_CONNECTION' = ' 4777 22'

        'SSH_TTY' = '/dev/pts/0'

        'TERM' = 'xterm'

        'USER' = 'root'

        '_' = '/usr/bin/xen-create-image'

        'arch' = 'i386'

        'cache' = 'no'

        'debootstrap' = '1'

        'dist' = 'etch'

        'force' = '0'

        'fs' = 'ext3'

        'gateway' = ''

        'hostname' = 'vm01'

        'http_proxy' = ''

        'ide' = '1'

        'image' = 'full'

        'initrd' = '/boot/initrd.img-2.6.18-xen'

        'ip1' = ''

        'ip_count' = '1'

        'kernel' = '/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-xen'

        'lvm' = 'virtua'

        'make_fs_ext3' = '/sbin/mkfs.ext3 -F '

        'make_fs_reiserfs' = '/sbin/mkfs.reiserfs -f -q '

        'make_fs_xfs' = '/sbin/mkfs.xfs -f -d name='

        'memory' = '128M'

        'mirror' = 'http://debian.ua.pt/debian/'

        'mount_fs_ext3' = '-t ext3'

        'mount_fs_reiserfs' = '-t reiserfs'

        'mount_fs_xfs' = '-t xfs'

        'netmask' = ''

        'passwd' = '1'

        'roledir' = '/etc/xen-tools/role.d'

        'rpmstrap' = '0'

        'size' = '2000M'

        'swap' = '256M'

        'template' = ''

        'verbose' = '1'

        'xm' = '/usr/sbin/xm'


Running hooks

Executing : xt-customize-image --dist=etch --location=/tmp/Rni00FKNyr --verbose


Finished : xt-customize-image --dist=etch --location=/tmp/Rni00FKNyr --verbose 2>&1 | tee --append /var/log/xen-tools/vm01.log



No role script specified.  Skipping


Creating Xen configuration file

Executing : /usr/bin/xt-create-xen-config --output=/etc/xen

Finished : /usr/bin/xt-create-xen-config --output=/etc/xen 2>&1 | tee --append /var/log/xen-tools/vm01.log


Setting up root password

chroot: cannot run command `/usr/bin/passwd': No such file or directory

All done

Unmounting : /tmp/Rni00FKNyr

Executing : umount /tmp/Rni00FKNyr

Finished : umount /tmp/Rni00FKNyr 2>&1 | tee --append /var/log/xen-tools/vm01.log



Logfile produced at:





The /var/log/xen-tools/vm01.log has this output:



Running hooks

Running hook 15-disable-hwclock

chmod: cannot access `/tmp/QLtiThM3Hc/etc/init.d/hwclockfirst.sh': No such file or directory

hook 15-disable-hwclock: done.

Running hook 20-setup-apt

chroot: cannot run command `/usr/bin/apt-get': No such file or directory

hook 20-setup-apt: done.

Running hook 25-disable-tls

chroot: cannot run command `/usr/bin/apt-get': No such file or directory

hook 25-disable-tls: done.

Running hook 30-fix-inittab

hook 30-fix-inittab: done.

Running hook 35-setup-users

hook 35-setup-users: done.

Running hook 40-setup-networking

hook 40-setup-networking: done.

Running hook 50-setup-hostname

hook 50-setup-hostname: done.

Running hook 55-create-dev

/usr/lib/xen-tools/etch.d/55-create-dev: line 34: ./MAKEDEV: No such file or directory

/usr/lib/xen-tools/etch.d/55-create-dev: line 35: ./MAKEDEV: No such file or directory

hook 55-create-dev: done.

Running hook 60-copy-host-files

hook 60-copy-host-files: done.

Running hook 65-copy-user-files

hook 65-copy-user-files: done.

Running hook 70-install-ssh

chroot: cannot run command `/usr/bin/apt-get': No such file or directory

chroot: cannot run command `/etc/init.d/ssh': No such file or directory

hook 70-install-ssh: done.

Running hook 80-install-modules

chroot: cannot run command `/usr/bin/apt-get': No such file or directory

hook 80-install-modules: done.

Running hook 90-make-fstab

hook 90-make-fstab: done.

Running hook 99-clean-image

chroot: cannot run command `/usr/bin/apt-get': No such file or directory

hook 99-clean-image: done.



No role script specified.  Skipping


Creating Xen configuration file


Setting up root password

All done



There are various commands missing. Then, when I do "xm create /etc/xen/vm01.cfg", the output shows errors like this:



/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/dev: No such file or directory

Waiting 1 seconds for /sys/block/sda/dev to show up

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/dev: No such file or directory

Waiting 2 seconds for /sys/block/sda/dev to show up

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/dev: No such file or directory

Waiting 4 seconds for /sys/block/sda/dev to show up

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/dev: No such file or directory

Waiting 8 seconds for /sys/block/sda/dev to show up

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/dev: No such file or directory

Waiting 16 seconds for /sys/block/sda/dev to show up

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/dev: No such file or directory

Device /sys/block/sda/dev seems to be down.

/bin/mknod: missing operand after `b'

Special files require major and minor device numbers.

Try `/bin/mknod --help' for more information.

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev: No such file or directory

Waiting 1 seconds for /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev to show up

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev: No such file or directory

Waiting 2 seconds for /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev to show up

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev: No such file or directory

Waiting 4 seconds for /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev to show up

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev: No such file or directory

Waiting 8 seconds for /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev to show up

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev: No such file or directory

Waiting 16 seconds for /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev to show up

/bin/cat: /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev: No such file or directory

Device /sys/block/sda/sda1/dev seems to be down.

/bin/mknod: missing operand after `b'

Special files require major and minor device numbers.

Try `/bin/mknod --help' for more information.

mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist

Switching root ...

/usr/lib/yaird/exec/run_init: current directory on the same filesystem as the root: Success

Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!




I'm using Xen 3.1.0 and Debian 4.0.


Any help?



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