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[Xen-users] What is the "fastest" way to access disk storage from DomU?


I've some Xen servers with local disks as DomU system and data storage
and for some days one with SAN storage.

I've read some threads about storage speed here but didn't really got
a clue on what's the "best" or fastest way to set it up.

At the moment all the virtual disks are configured as

  disk = [ "phy:/dev/vg_xen1/<LV>,xvda1,w", ... ]

The volumes residing on the SAN storage are configured via EVMS and
I've 200MB/s writing speed from Dom0 (mesured with dd if=/dev/zero
of=/mnt/file) and "only" around 150MB/s when doing the same from DomU.

Is this expected speed loss or is there any other way to give the DomU
access to the devices?

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