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[Xen-users] strange xen memory calculations?


I have started the xen kernel with parameter dom0_mem=300M.

xm info | grep total
total_memory           : 2045

Name      ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0   0   300     2     r-----    292.1
FTP            822     1                56.7
LDAP       1   822     1     r-----    541.3
NFS1           822     1                14.8
NFS2           822     1                 1.4

For the domU's I have 822 mb configured, the first runs, when I want to 
start a second domU, then xend bails out because of missing memory:

xm create /etc/xen/vm/NFSPUBLIC
Using config file "/etc/xen/vm/NFSPUBLIC".
Error: I need 841728 KiB, but dom0_min_mem is 65536 and shrinking to 65536 
KiB would leave only 302336 KiB free.

I know for all four domU's I do not have enough memory, but for two, it 
should work:

300 + 2*822 = 1944 < 2045
I don't understand why xend thinks it needs the memory, how is this 
calculated? I also set dom0_min_mem to 0 to stop ballooning at all, but that 
did not helped either.

I am on sles10sp1 x86_64, using xen-3.0.4, the version that comes with the 

any hint is highly appreciated.

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