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[Xen-users] Sup guys, I'm a Xen noob, I have plenty of questions...

I'm running Fedora 8 on an E6300 OC'd to 2.5 GHZ, 2 gigs of DDR2 Ram, around
950GB on a raid0.  I have 2 main partitions, 600GB nfts for windows xp and
300GB ext3 for Fedora 8, and 2GB swap.  Anyhow, I use Fedora most of the
time.  So here is what I've done so far.  I yum installed kernel-xen xen and
virt-manager.  I rebooted to the xen os.  When I booted into the Desktop, I
noticed that my windows were all out of whack (I have compiz fusion
installed on my regular Fedora 8 OS).  So I deactivated desktop effects and
everything worked fine.  I noticed that my kmod-nvidia driver was no longer
installed.  Can you guys explain what this OS is?  It seems to be a
duplicated of my normal Fedora 8 OS but only that my nvidia driver isn't
loaded.  So, if I wanna run an OS and a virtual OS, I have to boot up to
this OS? the one with xen at the end?  I tried installing the kmod-nvidia
driver but it didn't install because it said that the kernel was already

Ok, so I used the gui virtual machine manager and created a virtual OS of
Fedora 7, I made it paravirtual, gave it 10GB, and 512MB of Ram, and created
a virtual network.  After it installed I could see the blue console.  Now
I'm a bit confused.  Is the Installation complete?  It never said that the
installation was complete, but nothing is happening.  What can I do with
this blue console?  How do I run programs on it?  I mess with the virtual
machine manager and see how my new virtual os is taking up cpu usage.  So I
rebooted the computer back to the original Fedora 8 OS.  I try using virtual
machine manager, but it won't connect, it says that my libvirtdaemon hasn't
started.  So I reboot to the Fedora 7 xen OS.  I go to virtual machine
manager and try to connect to my virtual os.  It starts up and it says it's
running, but there's no cpu usage.  I check the console, and it says it's
currently unavailable.  It won't let me pause the virtual os, says that the
POST operation failed, bootloader didn't return any data.  What do I need to
do to get the virtual os to start running again?

Much thanks for helping out guys.  I'm just confused.  I wanted to use a
virtual os to setup and ftp server, but I just don't see how one can do so
with that blue console.  I'm obviously missing something.  Should I have
gone virtual instead of paravirtual?  Also, I've heard that once I get the
virtual os running, I can switch between my regular Fedora 8 OS and my
virtual Fedora 7 OS with a simple click of the mouse.  Is this true with Xen
or should I use another virtualization program.  Also, I have the Vanderpool
Technology activated in the bios, fyi.  Also, can I have a virtual os of
windows xp?  Like where it had asked me about the installation media, if I
had provided windows xp media, would it have worked?  Also, how do I tie a
linux install dvd to nfs?  I know that in order to do this, I need to find
out where my dvd is mounted.  How do I find that out?  I've been going to
/dev and searching there, how do I know which one is for my dvd player? 
Would it be /dev/dr0/ /dev/sdc?  Anyhow, thanks.

I've been retrying the virtual os installation and a blue screen comes up
and asks me to put in the web server and fedora directory.  I've been using
but I guess I need another one.  Any of you guys have any media http links
to Fedora 7 or 8?
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