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Re: [Xen-users] RedHat enterprise as DomU - newbie


On Sunday 13 July 2008, Mark Ryden wrote:
> Hello,
>   I know that you can install CentOS images as DomU in Xen.
> I also know that CentOS images are parallel to the RedHat enterprise
> versions.
> My question is:
> Can you install RH Enterprise images as  DomU in Xen?


If you have a Redhat-like distro in dom0 then just use virt-manager to install 
RHEL.  Both paravirtualised and fully virtualised are possible.

For other dom0 distros, virt-manager may still be available.  But if not, or 
if it doesn't integrate well with the way you're managing your other VMs it 
is possible to set up a RHEL install manually by editing some config files - 
not too hard.


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