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Re: [Xen-users] IPv6

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J.Witvliet@xxxxxxxxx schreef:
> Just to be shure it Ãs possible, does xen and IPv6 mix?
> My openSUSE_11.0 DOM-0 (3.2.1) holds the endpoint of my tunnel and I
> wonder if I can give my dom-U's an IPv6 address in my assigned range,
> like I do with IPv4 addressesâ
> Anybody done this before?

I'm running kinkrsoftware.nl with a tunnel to inside Xen. In your case
if radvd.conf runs somewhere on the bridge... or the bridge is on the
IPv6 enabled network it should just work.

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This kind of stuff is pretty /lame/ and /useless/ on a public
mailinglist... even if you are working at Defensie...

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