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Re: [Xen-users] network problem on domU

Shams Fantar wrote:
> Hi,
> I've done a lot of searching on Google, on the xen officiel website, but
> nothing helped me to fix my problem and I tried a few examples !
> Here is the situation, I manage a dedicated server, there are two IPs,
> one for dom0 and one (failover) ip for the domU. Le problem is with the
> domU. I made it, fine, I ran it, fine, to simplify things :
> Both Ips -> eth0 on dom0 (it uses the first ip, eth0) and there is the
> second ip (dummy0)--> domU (using the second ip)
> Here is the interface file on dom0 for the second IP :
> auto dummy0
> iface dummy0 inet static
>         address XX.XX.XX.XX # the second ip
>         broadcast XX.XX.XX.255
>         netmask
> In the domU configuration file :
> vif  = [ 'ip='  'bridge=xendmz' 'ip=XX.XX.XX.XX'] ##
> XX.XX.XX.XX = the second ip
> And on the domU :
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet static
>         address 
>         gateway
>         netmask
> Well the problem is, I don't have the second ip on the domU, I can't
> ping outside, and I can't ping to the domU (from the first ip, and from
> outside).
> I tried a few options with route, but it's not good, not yet !
> Do I need to route, on the dom0, to route all packets for the second ip
> to the domU ? How ?  I didn't find the good rules with iptables.
> No documentation simply explains this...
> Thanks,
> Regards, 
Any ideas ? I've not found more information to solve my problem.. ;(

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