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RE: [Xen-users] Reverse migration breaks/freezes VM

Are they HVM domains?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:xen-users-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Rustedt, Florian
> Sent: Friday, 6 March 2009 00:13
> To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Xen-users] Reverse migration breaks/freezes VM
> Hello list,
> I've got strange phenomenons with migrations. I think it's a bug, but
> not sure, so i am asking for your help to find this ou, please ;)
> First the construct:
> Two HP DL180G5(xen0,xen1) with dual-quadcore each, 8G RAM.
> On each a dom0 with selfcompiled(because of network drivers) gentoo-
> sources-xen-2.6.27_amd64 and Xen 3.3.0. The installation is completely
> same (rsynct), only different in ip and hostname.
> Both share a drbd0(v8.3.0) device. On it an lvm with one lv per vm.
> Now what's the problem:
> If i migrate a running vm(mx1-smartnet-de) from xen0 to xen1, it seems
> work.
> I could do a "xm migrate mx1-smartnet-de xen1" without any interuption
> while having a ssh-connection to the vm and downloading a
kernel-source in
> it.
> Then i did a "xm migrate mx1-smartnet-de xen0" on xen1 to move it back
> again. After that, the vm freezes at 100%CPU and that's it! Can't
> to it any more, whether via ssh nor via vnc/fb or console. Only "xm
> destroy" could help, "xm shutdown" has no impact.
> For debugging, i added the concerning parts of the xend.log from each
> the kernel-configs, so that you could try to help me find the prob
> in the logs?
> Just after having started the vm:
> xen0_after_start_of_vm.log
> Then after the first migration:
> xen0_after_migrate_to_xen1_of_vm.log
> xen1_after_migrate_to_xen1_of_vm.log
> And last, after the reverse:
> xen0_after_migrate_back_from_xen1_of_vm.log
> xen1_after_migrate_back_from_xen1_of_vm.log
> I don't believe it is a drbd/lvm problem, because drbd keeps in "0:
> cs:Connected ro:Primary/Primary ds:UpToDate/UpToDate C r---" and there
> no lv-concerning log-entries in syslog.
> There are of course errors concerning "retry suspend domain failed",
> there's no hint, WHY this has got failed?
> Kind regards, Florian
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