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Re: [Xen-users] Alternatives to cman+clvmd ?

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 8:54 AM, Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro
<thiagocmartinsc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> What about creating a ZFS pool with all your discs and then share it with
> your Xen Hypervisores through iSCSI, NFS or even CIFS! I'm trying it right
> now...

AFAICT, that means doing all the volume
management/resizing/snapshot/etc on the storage unit, exporting the
'managed' block devices.  it's a nice way to do it, but there's also a
couple of cons relative to a shared VG SAN like the one with CLVM:

- you need to have *one* storage controller, this could become a
bottleneck since all data flows from its (ethernet) ports

- resizing a shared block device isn't automatically noticed by all layers.

granted, the second one is shared by several other schemas.  one of
the main culprits is Xen itself, because there's no way to tell it to
recheck blockdevices' size to tell the guest.  usually the DomU has to
be restarted.


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