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Re: [Xen-users] Monitoring XEN hardware resources utilization.

Hi Lior,

Am Dienstag, den 31.03.2009, 17:08 +0400 schrieb Lior Goikhburg:
> Hello.
> How do people here used to monitor their XEN server resources ? (I mean 
> not Dom0 or DomU resources which I have no problem monitoring via SNMP, 
> but the physical resources of the hardware: CPU, Disk and Network 
> utilization etc.)
> I have an rrd graphing system (similar to cacti) and I need to get the 
> following data:
> Total % of CPU, Disk and Network utilization (hardware wise)
> I will then feed this data to the rrd system.

I've written a Nagios-Plugin for XEN, which throws CPU, IO, Traffic,
Uptime etc to be continued, which satisfys my need.

Should be no Problem to adopt this for rrd-graphing.

Interested? Could PM this to you :-)

> I tried the following tools (xm top, xenmon, virt-top) all of them are 
> not informative and no flexible enough to use with scripts.

hmpf? i used xm top....

TIME=`sudo xm list | grep $DOM | awk '{ print $6/60 }'`
CPU=`sudo xentop -b -i 1 | grep $DOM | awk '{print $4 }'`
VCPU=`sudo xm list | grep $DOM | awk '{print $4}'`
VBD=`sudo xentop -b -i 1 | grep $DOM | awk '{print $13}'`
MEM=`sudo xm list | grep $DOM | awk '{print $3}'`
TRAFF_IN=`sudo xentop -b -i 1 | grep $DOM | awk '{printf "%.2f",
TRAFF_OUT=`sudo xentop -b -i 1 | grep $DOM | awk '{printf "%.2f"
, $12/1024}'`
TRAFF=`sudo xentop -b -i 1 | grep $DOM | awk '{ printf "%.2f", (
$11+$12)/1024 }'`

and so on....

> Also if I'm thinking about writing my own daemon Python or PERL. Where 
> can I read the info I need, xend ? /sys ?

puuh - no Idea - maybe /proc?

> Thanks in advance for taking time to answer.
> Lior.



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