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Re: [Xen-users] Help me to set up network (routes)

Simon Hobson wrote:
And what IP address have you assigned it for the inside network ?
I'm not really understand what you are asking, but my card (which eth0) 
had only one IP which gives me ISP via DHCP. Maybe I should create alias 
(second IP) for it?
NO, the gateway MUST be an IP address on it's own network - ie it MUST be 10.0.2.<something>. In this case, it should the be the internal IP address you assigned to Dom0. Because the gateway isn't on it's own network, the guest doesn't even know how to reach the gateway - if you see what I mean.
Yes, I know this (I'm not so dummy in networking, though). But, as I 
have read from many mailing-list (especial list.xensource.com), some 
people writing to use Dom0's gateway as gateway. Now, I think, that it's 
just my misunderstood, 'cause, seems, I should use Dom0 as gateway 
(seems right), but not Dom0's gateway.
This will need to be i the 10.0.2.x subnet

And this I know too. BUT! From the official XenNetworking 
(http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenNetworking) I get for routing: 
"When domU starts up, xend runs (within dom0) vif-route which: copies 
the ip address from eth0 to vif<id#>.0". So, it's not me, who assign 
this address for this vif, it have done automatically ;-)
Still no luck...

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