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Re: [Xen-users] Installing two versions of xen on the same machine

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:40 PM, shankha<shankhabanerjee@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Should i need to build the initrd image  or i can use the old one(the
> one which was build when i installed a previous version of xen
> hypervisor). I am am using the old kernel.

If you're using the old kernel you can continue to use the old initrd.
There's one possible change though: You might need to add "pci=nomsi"
to kernel parameter.


> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 6:04 AM, shankha<shankhabanerjee@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> One more query. When i had build the source code of the xen
>> hypervisor (make world) it had build the linux kernel also(downloaded
>> the bits using mercurial).
>> Would it be possible to just build the hypervisor ?

Should be. I forgot what the command is (is it make tools?) try
looking at README (if available) or makefile.

Anyway, even if it builds and install a new kernel, you can simply
choose not to use the new (2.6.18) kernel and use your old suse kernel

>> Isn't the hypervisor and linux kernel linked ? Pardon my ignorance.
>> Like is the linux kernel  which is used is specially build to work
>> with the hyper visor or i can i can build any version of the kernel
>> and it should work with the hypervisor.

In general, yes, the hypervisor and kernel is connected. However newer
xen kernel has a compatibility option, by default selected to 3.0.2.
This means that as long as your hypervisor and userland has the same
version, and it's >= 3.0.2, it should work (minus some
version-specific feature)

I've been using Redhat's kernel-xen (built against Redhat's Xen
3.1.2+) with Xen 3.3 and 3.4, and it works great.


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