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Re: [Xen-users] Free XEN / DomU management software

The domU OS own libxenstore can provides an older version of the xenstore utils.
In this case, he cant talk to the xenstore.
To avoid this problem, the xn-client comes with his own xenstore-utils / libs in the newest available version (currently 3.4.2). So xn-client and libxenstore(...).deb includes the same files (in different versions) and must be a dependency conflict.

The dom0 dont needs the xn-client. He can collect the performance data by the daemon itself.
This is not fully implemented yet. But we working on it.

Best Regards
- Michael Schmidt

Am 28.01.10 04:07, schrieb Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro:
Why xn-client_0.82-lenny1_i386.deb conflicts with libxenstore3.0!?
How to run xn-client stuff in dom0?

BTY, Thanks!  :)

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