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Re: R: [Xen-users] XCP - VM creation from template and netinst

My install repository server is my back end storage server, private IP address on the SAN. I took a quick look at your install repository, looks like a valid CentOS 5.4 repo.

Does your XCP host have working network connectivity to reach the install repo? Do you have a working DNS server set?

If you've added the missing el5.4* file per my bug fix post, I'm a little mystified. I just used that script to fire up a test VM this morning and it worked fine.


Vern Burke

SwiftWater Telecom
ISP/CLEC Engineering Services
Data Center Services
Remote Backup Services

On 4/28/2010 11:57 AM, cluster@xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks for your answer,

i already did it! Can you share your repository path, i would like to try

Thanks a lot!


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Per conto di Vern Burke
Inviato: mercoledì 28 aprile 2010 15:37
A: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oggetto: Re: [Xen-users] XCP - VM creation from template and netinst

     Did you get this bug fix into XCP (I presume you're running the
current 0.1.1)?


Also, make absolutely sure your install repository path is correct.


Vern Burke

SwiftWater Telecom
Xen Cloud Control System

On 4/28/2010 9:20 AM, cluster@xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi all,

i still have problem…. Some time I am able to install and other not. I
tried this on different machine either in a pool and either in a single
installation of XCP.

These are the steps I use to create a VM:

# set disk size

xe template-param-set uuid=9d8c3be5-f16b-7446-b978-e23551d8a77e
other-config:disks="<provision><disk device=\"0\" size=\"21474836480\"
sr=\"\" bootable=\"true\" type=\"system\"/></provision>"

# install VM

xe vm-install template="CentOS 5.4 x64" new-name-label="Test"

# create VM vif0

xe vif-create vm-uuid=fd478bba-f12f-8402-21b7-685566164390
network-uuid=b82128e2-aa9a-8971-47c8-95b819dce275 mac=random device=0

# set install repository to local install server

xe vm-param-set uuid=fd478bba-f12f-8402-21b7-685566164390


# start it

xe vm-install vm=Test

I used the content of centos.cgi from Vern’s XCCS, but I always receive
the same error:


[root@xcp1 ~]# xe vm-start vm=Liberty
on=b3a1cd29-4560-47d0-95d9-87ec65e27197 The bootloader returned an error

vm: fd478bba-f12f-8402-21b7-685566164390 (Liberty)

msg: Error from bootloader: Failed to parse the output of bootloader: ()

[root@xcp1 ~]#


This is the output of vm-param-list:


[root@xcp1 ~]# xe vm-param-list uuid=fd478bba-f12f-8402-21b7-685566164390

uuid ( RO) : fd478bba-f12f-8402-21b7-685566164390

name-label ( RW): Test

name-description ( RW): Installed via xe CLI

user-version ( RW): 1

is-a-template ( RW): false

is-a-snapshot ( RO): false

snapshot_of ( RO):<not in database>

snapshots ( RO):

snapshot_time ( RO): 19700101T00:00:00Z

snapshot-info ( RO):

parent ( RO): 9d8c3be5-f16b-7446-b978-e23551d8a77e

children ( RO):

is-control-domain ( RO): false

power-state ( RO): halted

memory-actual ( RO): 0

memory-target ( RO): 0

memory-overhead ( RO): 1048576

memory-static-max ( RW): 1073741824

memory-dynamic-max ( RW): 1073741824

memory-dynamic-min ( RW): 1073741824

memory-static-min ( RW): 536870912

suspend-VDI-uuid ( RO):<not in database>

VCPUs-params (MRW):

VCPUs-max ( RW): 1

VCPUs-at-startup ( RW): 1

actions-after-shutdown ( RW): Destroy

actions-after-reboot ( RW): Restart

actions-after-crash ( RW): Restart

console-uuids (SRO):

platform (MRW): nx: false; acpi: true; apic: true; pae: true; viridian:

allowed-operations (SRO): changing_dynamic_range; changing_static_range;
make_into_template; destroy; export; start_on; start; create_template;
clone; copy; snapshot

current-operations (SRO):

blocked-operations (MRW):

allowed-VBD-devices (SRO): 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14;

allowed-VIF-devices (SRO): 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6

possible-hosts ( RO): b3a1cd29-4560-47d0-95d9-87ec65e27197

HVM-boot-policy ( RW):

HVM-boot-params (MRW):

HVM-shadow-multiplier ( RW): 1.000

PV-kernel ( RW):

PV-ramdisk ( RW):

PV-args ( RW): graphical utf8

PV-legacy-args ( RW):

PV-bootloader ( RW): eliloader

PV-bootloader-args ( RW):

last-boot-CPU-flags ( RO):

last-boot-record ( RO): '('struct' ('uuid'
'fd478bba-f12f-8402-21b7-685566164390') ('allowed_operations' ('array'))
('current_operations' ('struct'
('OpaqueRef:6a47fd73-bd61-5c62-d4b0-1701082d132f' 'start_on')))
('power_state' 'Halted') ('name_label' 'Liberty') ('name_description'
'Installed via xe CLI') ('user_version' '1') ('is_a_template' ('boolean'
'0')) ('suspend_VDI' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('resident_on' 'OpaqueRef:NULL')
('affinity' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('memory_overhead' '1048576')
('memory_target' '1073741824') ('memory_static_max' '1073741824')
('memory_dynamic_max' '1073741824') ('memory_dynamic_min' '1073741824')
('memory_static_min' '536870912') ('VCPUs_params' ('struct'))
('VCPUs_max' '1') ('VCPUs_at_startup' '1') ('actions_after_shutdown'
'destroy') ('actions_after_reboot' 'restart') ('actions_after_crash'
'restart') ('consoles' ('array')) ('VIFs' ('array'
'OpaqueRef:428a44bb-4056-911a-f6ba-245a216fd37d')) ('VBDs' ('array'
'OpaqueRef:bde0a76d-a0e4-f656-8adf-2bb1b1c17520')) ('crash_dumps'
('array')) ('VTPMs' ('array')) ('PV_bootloader' 'eliloader')
('PV_kernel' '') ('PV_ramdisk' '') ('PV_args' 'graphical utf8')
('PV_bootloader_args' '') ('PV_legacy_args' '') ('HVM_boot_policy' '')
('HVM_boot_params' ('struct')) ('HVM_shadow_multiplier' ('double' '1'))
('platform' ('struct' ('nx' 'false') ('acpi' 'true') ('apic' 'true')
('pae' 'true') ('viridian' 'true'))) ('PCI_bus' '') ('other_config'
('struct' ('install-repository'
'ftp://ftp.eutelia.it/CentOS/5.4/os/x86_64/') ('mac_seed'
'69060b5c-02cf-d8a7-fed2-691f55d1b777') ('linux_template' 'true')
('machine-address-size' '36') ('install-methods' 'cdrom,nfs,http,ftp')
('rhel5' 'true') ('install-distro' 'rhlike'))) ('domid' '-1') ('domarch'
'') ('last_boot_CPU_flags' ('struct')) ('is_control_domain' ('boolean'
'0')) ('metrics' 'OpaqueRef:d4cf660f-32a6-73e0-ee34-4aa01b2b5a07')
('guest_metrics' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('last_booted_record' '')
('recommendations' '<restrictions><restriction
field=\"memory-static-max\" max=\"34359738368\" /><restriction
field=\"vcpus-max\" max=\"8\" /><restriction property=\"number-of-vbds\"
max=\"7\" /><restriction property=\"number-of-vifs\" max=\"7\"
/></restrictions>') ('xenstore_data' ('struct')) ('ha_always_run'
('boolean' '0')) ('ha_restart_priority' '') ('is_a_snapshot' ('boolean'
'0')) ('snapshot_of' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('snapshots' ('array'))
('snapshot_time' ('dateTime.iso8601' '19700101T00:00:00Z'))
('transportable_snapshot_id' '') ('blobs' ('struct')) ('tags' ('array'))
('blocked_operations' ('struct')) ('snapshot_info' ('struct'))
('snapshot_metadata' '') ('parent'
'OpaqueRef:591d0f90-308e-027d-399d-14f7cc86414d') ('children' ('array'))
('bios_strings' ('struct')))'

resident-on ( RO):<not in database>

affinity ( RW):<not in database>

other-config (MRW): install-repository:
ftp://ftp.eutelia.it/CentOS/5.4/os/x86_64/; mac_seed:
69060b5c-02cf-d8a7-fed2-691f55d1b777; linux_template: true;
machine-address-size: 36; install-methods: cdrom,nfs,http,ftp; rhel5:
true; install-distro: rhlike

dom-id ( RO): -1

recommendations ( RO):<restrictions><restriction
field="memory-static-max" max="34359738368" /><restriction
field="vcpus-max" max="8" /><restriction property="number-of-vbds"
max="7" /><restriction property="number-of-vifs" max="7" /></restrictions>

xenstore-data (MRW):

ha-always-run ( RW): false

ha-restart-priority ( RW):

blobs ( RO):

start-time ( RO): 19700101T00:00:00Z

install-time ( RO): 20100428T13:05:02Z

VCPUs-number ( RO): 0

VCPUs-utilisation (MRO):

os-version (MRO):<not in database>

PV-drivers-version (MRO):<not in database>

PV-drivers-up-to-date ( RO):<not in database>

memory (MRO):<not in database>

disks (MRO):<not in database>

networks (MRO):<not in database>

other (MRO):<not in database>

live ( RO):<not in database>

guest-metrics-last-updated ( RO):<not in database>

cooperative ( RO): true


Is there someone who could help me?

Thanks a lot for any suggestion,

Francesco Gallo

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