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RE: [Xen-users] RE: Concurrent local write error in DRBD with GPL PVdrivers

> That would be me. Sorry I didn't see your original email.

No problem! Thanks for replying so quickly.

> I have a similar configuration (dual-primary drbd) and have seen
> similar drbd messages but have never investigated. I have never had any
> filesystem corruption even under high usage but that doesn't mean it
> isn't possible. After reading the stuff you posted and linked to it
> looks like something that is worth investigating.
> Can you tell me more about your non-PV setup? Are you still using phy:?

Here is the complete configuration file. It looks like we are using phy:, yes.

s3:/etc/xen# more test.cfg 
name = 'test'

kernel = '/usr/lib/xen-3.2-1/boot/hvmloader'
builder = 'hvm'
memory = '2048'


vcpus = 1

disk = [ 'phy:/dev/drbd0,ioemu:hda,w',
         'file:/misc/isostar/windows/Windows Server 2003 R2 Std X64 - 
2.iso,ioemu:hdc:cdrom,r' ]
#disk = [ 'phy:/dev/drbd0,hda,w' ]
boot = 'c'

# According to http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenWindowsGplPv
# "In your machine configuration, make sure you don't use the ioemu network 
# vif = [ 'type=ioemu,bridge=br50' ]

vif = [ 'bridge=br50' ]

vnc = 1
vncviewer = 1
vncdisplay = 1100
sdl = 0

# Solve mouse position problem in the console.
usbdevice = 'tablet'

> One difference between PV and non-PV drivers is that GPLPV uses the
> scsiport interface which does allow multiple outstanding requests. When
> not using PV drivers, windows uses the qemu emulated IDE drivers which
> probably don't allow more than one outstanding request, so this
> situation could never arise.
> What I need to know is if Windows is giving me requests in a broken
> way, or if GPLPV is handling them in a broken way... I'll post on the
> ntdev mailing list and see if someone there knows.
> After accumulating a bunch of these errors in your test environment,
> can you do a chkdsk and see what comes up?

I'll do that and post the results here, ok.

Thanks for your help, and best regards!

Philippe Lang

Attik System              web  : http://www.attiksystem.ch
Philippe Lang             phone: +41 26 422 13 75
rte de la Fonderie 2      gsm  : +41 79 351 49 94
1700 Fribourg             pgp  : http://keyserver.pgp.com 

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