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Re: [Xen-users] ionice

My problem is that I see high volume requests from some people with little
time in between the requests and about matters getting more and more away from
the subject at hand, which more than likely points to people not taking the
time to look for answers themselves on the internet but choosing the easy path
of free advice on a mailing list. This community is about helping each other
out after having done the necessary research oneself.  At least that's how I
see it. Mind you, I'm at risk stating this, because I frequently am scratching
my head in the face of nasty problems and challenges with tight deadlines, but
I try to self reliant to the max and only if I'm at the end of my wits, I will
consult the list.

No chill pills needed.

FYI, I started a new topic as I had already discovered how to use solve my ionice problem (I used dstat). Which is why I then moved onto how to "prioritise" the DomU regarding disk usage, and I know that a lot of people on this list do that for their customers. I actually did do my own research, and in fact I will point you to an excellent PDF (which is taken from the book I'm currently reading): http://nostarch.com/download/xen_ch7.pdf (Page 11).

Please don't jump to the conclusion that I havn't done my own research, because I have.

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