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[Xen-users] Re: DomU hang in run state (Debian Lenny)

On 29/09/10 13:08, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
>> > No I hadn't come across that. If (when!) I experience another hang I'll
>> > give it a try.
> I usually get once every two months.  It starts with a single domU, then
> quickly spreads to those which produce console output regularly
> (firewall logs, mostly).

Hmmnn. There's no console output past the standard boot messages and the
first login prompt. The VMs in question don't really produce that much.
Deathly silence from there. I can actually connect to the console and
see the previous output but it's frozen and doesn't respond to input.

>> > Do you know if it applies to Debian Lenny 2.6.26? All I can see from a
>> > Google is that it's affecting 2.6.18 CentOS/RHEL5.
> It affects our Debian Lenny Xen hosts, though we run the Etch dom0
> kernel, as the 32bit Lenny dom0 kernel is very unstable.

Yeah one of our clusters was 32bit until we upped it to lenny. Had to
rebuild it to amd64. Mind you I had this issue in etch too.

I'm beginning to think this isn't the problem but I shall try it out
when (if) it happens again.

Thanks for your help,


 Matthew Baker, UNIX Systems Administrator
 Institute for Learning and Research Technology (ILRT)
 A: University of Bristol,
    8-10 Berkeley Square,
    BS8 1HH
 W: http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/
 E: matt.baker@xxxxxxxxxx
 T: Berkeley Square
    +44 (0)117 32 14325
 T: Computer Centre
    +44 (0)117 32 17467
 F: 35BB AD51 9892 D694 7664  8BFD 2EF9 BBA4 1FDA 89C3

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