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[Xen-users] Is grub menu supposed to work over the serial console, in Xen 4.0.1?


I am having trouble getting to the grub boot menu, via a serial console. The 
serial console is working and even gives me "Press any key to continue." many 
times very nicely, but when I press the any key, I get no menu and grub 
eventually times out and boots the default hypervisor. I am using

      terminal --timeout=10 console serial

on a machine that has a serial port, using a null modem cable.

The menu works fine over the directly connected keyboard and monitor, so I am 
sure it is not a broken menu per se.

I have tried lots of combinations of grub set up, all with the same results or 
worse, e.g with and without "sync_console", putting "serial" before "console", 
leaving either "console" or "serial" out. I also tried a number of different 
line speeds from 115200 all the way down to 9600, but nothing seems to make a 
difference. I could not find anything in the Xen wiki about grub menu over 
serial, and nothing googled either.

Before I try any more, does anyone know if the grub menu is even supposed to 
work over serial, for Xen 4.0.1?


What is the formal meaning of the one-line program
#include "/dev/tty"

J.P. McDermott                          building 12
Code 5542                                       mcdermott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Naval Research Laboratory       voice: +1 202.404.8301
Washington, DC 20375, US        fax:   +1 202.404.7942

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