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Re: [Xen-users] constuct saas with xcp+hadoop

2011/7/26 59497363 <59497363@xxxxxx>
hi, everybody
     i want construct the saas of cloud computing with xcp+hadoop,  that's ok?

Ok by me, tho I think you should really familiarize your self with XCP and whole concept of cloud computing before deploying anything, just a suggestion.  Just saying this because there is no install xcp, do this, do that and now you are on your way providing reliable cloud platform for your customers. Well, I quess there are "do this and do that" (plenty of do that's) and after that you are done, like in anything that can be done but if there actually is some kind of universal easy to deliver how-to for cloud platform, I've yet to come in contact with it. 

if it's ok, then how to do it? the installation step like the folloing? :install  linux, then install hadoop, at last install the xcp?

I think it's ok, but I doubt that there will ever be answer to your question that actually would help you. Well, actually what Todd said is answer to your question, but I doubt that you are any closer to your SaaS goal. One could and many propably have written books about individual components of "cloud", so it would be really hard to answer your question. 

What I'm trying to say is, that XCP is just one component of the "cloud platform". Besides having computer nodes availeable for your virtual machines, you need a shared storage (iscsi, nfs, etc.) if you plan to be able to move live instances and do pretty much all the "cloud stuff" with XCP. 

And just to clarify, XCP it self isn't and doesn't contain the fancy web page you can access using your favourite browser to create virtual machines and manage them. You need some sort of tool to do that also. You could have openstack manage your XCP cluster(s), you could have vpn access to your management network and use XenCenter to manage the instances, you could have some web interface that you your self developed or many other options.

And we haven't even touched networking, backup's, disaster recovery, scaling and those easy and hard to predict problems that are always going to be there, when you are combining such a huge amount of different technologies.

This is not to say that it can't be done or that you couldn't do it. I'm just saying that I would be really impressed if some one could answer your question with a simple posting.

    thanks for any advice

Hope something I said helps. 


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