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Re: [Xen-users] Storage related issues || Cannot export/import/clone etc..

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 22:33, Errol Neal <eneal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> <br><div style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;">Hi. I'm trying to 
> create a storage repository on debian squeeze. I built the deb packages using 
> the xapi-autobuilder. <br>When creating the SR:<br><br><a 
> href="mailto:root@squeeze"; 
> target="_blank">root@squeeze</a>:/run/sr-mount/ef8d1218-5d17-0b80-2aca-dbdcb5054212/xapi-autobuilder/tmp-debs#
>  xe sr-create host-uuid=9e54c94f-f78a-8885-a807-85db5beb0da6 name-label=test 
> device-config:device=/dev/sdb content-type=user type=lvm<br><br><br>The 
> resulting error is:<br><br>Error code: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_53<br>Error 
> parameters: , Logical Volume unmount/deactivate error [opterr=errno is 
> 3],<br><br>The volume group is created non-the-less so i'm a bit confused. 
> From my google searches, I got the idea that I could use the 
> sr-introduce:<br><br>xe sr-introduce... 
> <br><br>xe-pbd-create...<br><br>xe-pbd-plug..<br><br>But even after that, 
> it's still not usable. I can create a VM, but for example, if I try to export 
> it..<br><br>root@squeeze:~# xe vm-export 
> vm=9e69f6d3-cf08-0bcd-2d82-0f52aa567552 
> filename=9e69f6d3-cf08-0bcd-2d82-0f52aa567552.vhd<br><br>I receive an 
> error:<br><br>There was an SR backend failure.<br>status: non-zero 
> exit<br>stdout:<br>stderr: Traceback (most recent call last):<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/LVMSR", line 1959, in 
> &lt;module&gt;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SRCommand.run(LVHDSR, 
> DRIVER_INFO)<br>&nbsp; File "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/SRCommand.py", line 
> 252, in run<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ret = cmd.run(sr)<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/SRCommand.py", line 94, in 
> run<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return self._run_locked(sr)<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/SRCommand.py", line 131, in 
> _run_locked<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return self._run(sr, target)<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/SRCommand.py", line 185, in 
> _run<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; writable, caching_params)<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 1282, in 
> activate<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; writable, caching_params):<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 32, in 
> wrapper<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ret = op(self, *args)<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 1314, in 
> _activate_locked<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dev_path = self._activate(sr_uuid, 
> vdi_uuid, writable, caching_params)<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 1334, in 
> _activate<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dev_path = self._tap_activate(phy_path, 
> vdi_type, sr_uuid, writable)<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 1126, in 
> _tap_activate<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tapdisk = 
> Tapdisk.find_by_path(phy_path)<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 594, in 
> find_by_path<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return cls.find(path=path)<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 582, in 
> find<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; found = list(cls.list(**args))<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 557, in 
> list<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; for row in TapCtl.list(**args):<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 67, in 
> loop<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return f(*__t, **__d)<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 271, in 
> list<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return list(cls.__list(**args))<br>&nbsp; File 
> "/usr/lib/xen-common/xapi/sm/blktap2.py", line 247, in 
> __list<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; key, val = field.split('=')<br>ValueError: need 
> more than 1 value to unpack<br><br>Any thoughts on how I can move past these 
> errors?<br><br></div>

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Rob MacGregor
   Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
    doesn't become a monster.         Friedrich Nietzsche

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