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[Xen-users] NUMA question


I have a older opteron based box - IBM x3655 which I recently upgraded
for a second CPU.
It now has 2 quad cores, and each has the same amount of Ram, running
on OVM 2_2_2

I have enabled Numa via grub config and am not sure if it's correctly
detected or not.

in xm info I see the following:
host                   : waxh0012.xenhosts.de
release                : 2.6.18-
version                : #1 SMP Sat Apr 9 05:30:32 EDT 2011
machine                : i686
nr_cpus                : 8
nr_nodes               : 1
cores_per_socket       : 4
threads_per_core       : 1
cpu_mhz                : 2300
hw_caps                :
virt_caps              : hvm
total_memory           : 8191
free_memory            : 6495
node_to_cpu            : node0:0-7
node_to_memory         : node0:6495
xen_major              : 3
xen_minor              : 4
xen_extra              : .0

This means my 2 sockets are considered one NUMA node and I need not worry?
Maybe I was misunderstanding NUMA, but I had thought these two CPUs
should each show up as a node.

This is the CPU topology from XenPM.
CPU     core    socket
CPU0     0       0
CPU1     1       0
CPU2     2       0
CPU3     3       0
CPU4     0       1
CPU5     1       1
CPU6     2       1
CPU7     3       1

Most of my newer servers are of course something "NUMA-ish" too (i.e.
6100 / 6200 or Xeon E56xx) so it would be great to know I'm not
misconfiguring the systems.
(I have also read that Xen4 had a lot more fixes in this direction but
Xen4 is no option yet since some of the super-new systems have
problems running that)

Can someone enlighten me a little?


the purpose of libvirt is to provide an abstraction layer hiding all
xen features added since 2006 until they were finally understood and
copied by the kvm devs.

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