Hi Everybody,
I have a HOST (Server Fisico) connected to internet.
It have 2 network cards, the first one (eth0)
connected to the router, another (eth1) is connected
to LAN.
eth1 is bridged to virtual machines network, and one
of them (virtual1) have an HTTP Server. Everything is
running correctly.

I have IPTABLES Firewall running on the HOST with DNAT forwarding
HTTP traffic to Virtual1. I have IPTABLES Rules in
HOST, for block some IPs that give me problems, but these rules not
protect to Virtual1. All HTTP traffic is forwarded to
Virtual1, even the source IP is blocked for IPTABLES
I had an attack, and I couldn't block the HTTP traffic about Virtual1,
the IPTABLES rules not affect it.
What can I do for give security to Virtual machines?
Thanks a lot