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[Xen-users] Mouse pointer offset in PV DomU


I'm using the vfb of my PV DomU via VNC using this line in my
xmdomain.cfg file:

    vfb = [ 'type=vnc,vncdisplay=1,vnclisten=' ]

This all works fine and gives me a displays size of 800x600. When
I increase the resolution using this line in my xmdomain.cfg file,
the pointer in the DomU becomes offset away from the top-left
corner of the display:

    extra = 'xen-fbfront.video=8,928,696'

At the top-left corner of the display, the DomU pointer lines up
witht the Dom0 pointer.  The further I move from the top-left
corner, the more the DomU pointer becomes offset.

I've seen problems like this discussed back in 2006/2007, but
haven't seen anything recently.

The details of my setup are:

   distribution: debian wheezy
   kenel: 3.2.0-4-amd64
   xen version: 4.1.4-3+deb7u1

   distribution: debian wheezy
   kenel: 3.2.0-4-amd64
   created using: xen-tools



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