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[Xen-users] Help XENServer Cannot start here VM requires access to SR

Hello everyone.

I would like to greet because I'm new in the list, I have little time working with XEN server and it worked fine for me, but after an unexpected shutdown of my server my VM cannot start again, when I try to run the following command:

"xe vm-start uuid = edc7bf9c-4751-01cd-11th-a23ae15d7da2 --force"

The server gives me the following response.

"There are no suitable hosts to start esta VM on.
The following table Provides per-host Reasons for why the VM Could not be started:

xenserver: Can not start here [VM requires access to SR: 55ebfacc-2ccc-7d4d-18ad-a2aeb2038039 (Local storage)]

There Were no hosts available to complete the specified operation."

This is a big trouble for me, and I don't know how to repair this.

Sorry for my bad English, and many thanks for your attention.






Alejandro CalderÃn
Administrador De Redes I

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