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Re: [Xen-users] Xen 8.1 Windows drivers problem

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 8:15 AM, Éliás Tamás <et@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> It has been a little less then a year now since I did an 8.1 rollout w/
> a bunch of VM's in xen and while I made sure to use the PV drivers, I
> had to disable the xen service to get the things to not use a bunch of
> cpu.  Do you see any high CPU use?
Nope, processor usage is 3-4%. Upon a hang, I cannot check the guest cpu

But every time I'm having this issue, the "-dm" hvm stubdomain guest
goes into "sc" state, while the vm itself is shown as up and running and
using cpu cycles.

You do not see anything in any logs?  Does it bluescreen and try and reboot automatically?

Do you see any crashes/dumps anywhere?


Éliás Tamás
Thomas Elias

ETIT[nwpro] KFT, Ügyvezető-Hálózatbiztonsági specialista
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