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Re: Newbie fails booting: "Xen is relinquishing VGA console"

Trying to boot the Xen kernel, all I get is a dark screen. When I remove the "quiet" option from Grub's menu point, I see that the last message before blanking the screen is "Xen is relinquishing VGA console".

Is this EFI or legacy BIOS/CSM?  I will assume legacy, much easier.

Do you see the XEN booting but not the Linux kernel nor the system? You don't get a system prompt either?

Maybe you just need to force output on VGA, in case it goes to serial port.

xen.gz argument would be console=vga but you probably don't need that
kernel argument try add console=tty0
but then you should have a prompt showing up anyways, unless systemD service mgetty now finds out by itself where to spit? (cray things happen nowadays)

At this stage I think you need to play with booting, then will come XEN and domU guest tuning. I suggest you try PV and then switch to PVH with builder = "pvh". By the way you can even run the dom0 as PVH (as it is a privileged guest) but you absolutely need to define `dom0_mem` for that.

/boot/xen.gz dom0=pvh dom0_mem=1024M,max:8192M loglvl=info noreboot=true



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