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Re: Requesting Xen community's feedback on unikernelized driver domains

On Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 2:38 AM tosher 1 <akm2tosher@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This email is to request Xen community's feedback on our work on implementing Xen’s driver domains using the unikernel virtual machine model (as opposed to using general-purpose OSs like Linux) to reduce the attack surface, among other benefits. The effort, called Kite, has implemented driver domains for network and storage PV drivers using NetBSD’s rumprun unikernel.

Details of the work are available in a paper that will soon appear at the 2022 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys’22), available here: https://www.ssrg.ece.vt. edu/papers/eurosys22.pdf

Kite’s source code is available at: https://github.com/ssrg- vt/kite/.

We would love to hear the community’s thoughts and feedback.

Looks like a great idea!  If you're looking for technical feedback, or want to discuss trying to integrate this with the larger Xen project somehow, then posting this to xen-devel might be a better venue.

Would anyone be interested in writing up a blog post to put on blog.xenproject.org?  (Or, do you already have a blog post elsewhere we can link to?)




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