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Re: Requesting Xen community's feedback on unikernelized driver domains

Hi George,

Thanks for the suggestions. I will post it to xen-devel mailing list. 

We are working on preparing a blog post. I will let you know when we publish it.


On Monday, March 21, 2022, 08:50:55 AM EDT, George Dunlap <dunlapg@xxxxxxxxx> 

On Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 2:38 AM tosher 1 <akm2tosher@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> This email is to request Xen community's feedback on our work on implementing 
> Xen’s driver domains using the unikernel virtual machine model (as opposed to 
> using general-purpose OSs like Linux) to reduce the attack surface, among 
> other benefits. The effort, called Kite, has implemented driver domains for 
> network and storage PV drivers using NetBSD’s rumprun unikernel. 
> Details of the work are available in a paper that will soon appear at the 
> 2022 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys’22), available 
> here: https://www.ssrg.ece.vt. edu/papers/eurosys22.pdf
> Kite’s source code is available at: https://github.com/ssrg- vt/kite/.
> We would love to hear the community’s thoughts and feedback. 

Looks like a great idea!  If you're looking for technical feedback, or want to 
discuss trying to integrate this with the larger Xen project somehow, then 
posting this to xen-devel might be a better venue.

Would anyone be interested in writing up a blog post to put on 
blog.xenproject.org?  (Or, do you already have a blog post elsewhere we can 
link to?)




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