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Re: opam

On 6 Jul 2012, at 14:35, Richard Mortier wrote:

> On 6 Jul 2012, at 14:32, Thomas Gazagnaire wrote:
>>> so- what's the state of opam currently?  where are the latest install 
>>> instructions for opam+mirage?  
>> I've released 0.2 yesterday (I guess it is not packaged in homebrew yet :-), 
>> so you could be able to run:
>> $ opam init # much quicker than before
>> $ opam remote -add dev git://github.com/mirage/opam-repo-dev.git
>> $ opam install mirage-www
> if i use the mirage/homebrew tap, and then `opam update`, will it just do the 
> right thing?
> (and if not, why not? :)

That was pinned at opam-0.1 (and I've just updated the repo to opam-0.2).  You 
need at least 0.2.

I normally install the --HEAD version:
$ brew install --HEAD opam

which will clone the github repo and install directly from there.


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