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Re: [MirageOS-devel] using cow

On 23 Dec 2013, at 12:31, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:

> You can't insert the string verbatim, as the type of the $$ must be a 
> Cow.Xml.t.  The whole point of $str:$ is to take care of escaping.
> However, you should be able to just parse the template fragment into 
> Cow.Xml.t and insert it as such.  

no-- the template fragment encloses the slides content, and as cow (quite 
reasonably) doesn't allow unbalanced expressions i can't break down the 
<body>...</body> chunk further, viz:

          <div class="reveal">
            <div class="slides">
              <div id="footer">

              <a id="index" href="/"> <img src="/img/home.png" /> </a>
                <div id="slide-number"> </div>

          <script src="/reveal-2.4.0/lib/js/head.min.js"> </script>
          <script src="/reveal-2.4.0/js/reveal.min.js"> </script>
          <script src="/reveal-2.4.0/js/init.js"> </script>

i could do something grim with printf and friends, avoid cow completely, and 
just read chunks from files like i did with the old version of decks, but i was 
hoping to avoid that...

> I'm guessing it doesn't parse because of...

a concrete example-- in the cam13/index.html there're slides like:

  <section data-markdown>
    <script type="text/template">
    ## A Minimal Kernel

    A simple OCaml program like this is easy to run without Unix.

    let rec qsort = function
        | [] -> []
        | pivot :: rest ->
            let is_less x = x < pivot in
            let left, right = List.partition is_less rest in
            qsort left @ [pivot] @ qsort right


this can't be parsed by cow because of (among other things that i can fix 
easily enough, notably data-markdown being an empty attribute -- fix is to 
write data-markdown="" instead -- for which i believe i saw an issue already 
raised) the ">" characters in the ocaml example.
> Alternatively, you could make it valid XHTML by wrapping it in a CDATA.
> ...The latter is probably the best solution, since we serve the MIME type
> as XHTML anyway.

yes -- CDATA is the obvious thing i was missing. probably the most workable fix 
is to wrap the code fragments in 


(the manual pre/code elements are needed because the ``` code block delimiter 
doesn't escape the contents from the XML parser, but applying it with the CDATA 
delimiters causes the > to render (literally) as &gt; etc.)

thought: given the use and abuse to which xml/html are put though (or, if you 
prefer, the flexibility which they provide), having some kind of [`Raw of 
string] might be useful. kind of like a CDATA but which doesn't leave any tag 
in the xml when rendered to a string (ie. the element tag never gets to the 



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