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Re: [MirageOS-devel] Question about Mirage-www

On 11 Jun 2015, at 09:41, Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm keeping the list in /cc as maybe other can hit the same problem and might 
> be interested in the (possible) solution.
>> I've tried "ocamlfind query bytes" and find the bytes module. And I've tried 
>> to add the library manually. It worked too.
>> Could I modify any config file to make the installation through?
>> Or I have to wait for the new version?
> What is your version of ocamlfind? (`opam info ocamlfind`) I think old 
> versions do not add the magic runes to do this automatically.  Can you try to 
> upgrade?

Yes, you need ocamlfind 1.5.1 or later to get the Bytes support.  If it's 
missing from your installation, there's a missing constraint somewhere.  How 
did you install OPAM (I notice it's 1.2.1rc2), and do you have the 'aspcud' 
binary installed?


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