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Re: [MirageOS-devel] Trivial C code crashes at Int_val() function

On Sunday, 11.03.2018 at 16:15, Justin Cinkelj wrote:
> Any hint what is the cause?
> Complete example is at
> https://github.com/justinc1/mirage-skeleton/tree/jc-crash-issue-251, commit
> 1da971caae5295d47588b6dc9637e68e2b0c7f89.

Thanks for the report; I've replied on Github and in a previous thread that
looks like a duplicate.

> Also, if someone can point me at how to direct "mirage configure -t xen,
> make depends" to include additional C files.

I don't think there's a straightforward way to include C code directly at
the final unikernel build. You'd probably need to build a separate OCaml
module / opam package and access that from your unikernel.


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