Hi all,
please find attached the last meeting minutes. Apologies for the delay: the mail seems to not have been sent when I thought it did
I did CC the AB because of agenda item 1
= Attendees ==
Lars Kurth (chair)
Wim Ten Have (Oracle)
Michael Glasgow (Oracle)
Joao Martins (Oracle)
Anthony Perard (Citrix)
Jim Fehlig (Suse)
== Agenda ==
== 1: CI loop impact within the OpenStack community ==
Lars: Raises the suspicion that the OpenStack CI little impact in the OpenStack community today
Lars: We also seem to be getting worse with regards to pass rate and the number of issues
Lars: Is this correct?
Anthony: The test pass rate is far too low and unreliable (60/70%)
Anthony: The consequence is that people stopped looking at it and are on essence ignoring the Xen CI Loop
Anthony: For the last week, the CI loop kept failing and nobody complained, which is a strong indication that people are ignoring it
Lars: prompts Michal for his view, in particular whether he would see an impact if we stopped running it
Michael: I agree that there are major problems with the CI loop and that we have to sort out the problems
Michael: Does believe that stopping the CI loop would have further negative effects (beyond what we have seen so far)
Lars: asks Anthony what would need to be done to make significant progress
Anthony: We would need to update to a new baseline (libvirt + xen) / images for the test nodes
Anthony: We would need to fix some of the long-standing issues, including networking support and a few others
Anthony: I have been trying to debug the CI loop, but have not managed to get anywhere. In particular the networking issues.
Anthony: Indications are that the issues I am seeing are within OpenStack, and I don’t have the background, time and standing in the OpenStack community to fix these
Lars: Thinks that we probably need active help from the OpenStack side
**Had a bit of a discussion with Michael around support from Alexis (which did not happen) and whether Oracle can help. **
Michael: Have a new manager, can raise the issue up the chain
ACTION: Michael to escalate internally
Jim: In the past, I had some time in Nova to keep eyes on Xen and Nova, but then my priorities were changed.
Jim: At the time Nova was developing too fast for me to keep up with the Nova community. To do this, w really
Jim: need someone who keeps an eye on things with Xen within Nova and Neutron. I did that for 6 months and
Jim: did get a fair bit of work done to get Nova working with Xen. Since then, there has been no-one in upstream
Jim: OpenStack, which does that.
Jim: A key part of solving this issue is a resource dedicated to the Xen / Libvirt / OpenStack ( Nova / Neutron)
Jim: interface. Within Suse, there is not enough interest on the cloud side for use of OpenStack with Xen + Libvirt,
Jim: thus, had not had much success improving the situation.
Lars: Agrees. And the situation is similar within Citrix, which uses Xen + XAPI + OpenStack
Lars: there is now a Xen group within Linaro - looking at testing for ARM HW, in particular for under NDA / pre-prod HW
Lars: will talk to Martin Stadler who chairs LEG in Linaro in the coming weeks to try and find out a bit more about test strategy
== 2: Libvirt Update ==
Joao: Wim will be working with Joao on libxl
Joao: Asks whether we can include Wim into the WG
** All agreed **
ACTION: Lars to add
wim.ten.have@xxxxxxxxxx to list and invite (done)
Jim: looking for someone to help with reviewing libvirt / xen changes. Looking for someone who can ACK changes
Jim: Joao does some of that now.
Joao: think it's getting better
* Where we are / what's new?
Jim: Not done a lot of upstream work in the last 2 months
Jim: Did a test suite for XML to Xen domain config objects and upstreamed it
Jim: This opens the door for some other develpments
Jim: Marek Marczykowski-Górecki from ITL had some patches waiting for this suite - suite is in now. Have not heard from him.
Joao: Marek was meant to follow up, but never did.
Jim: will ping Marek on IRC/or mail and follow up re another version
Jim: Wim's sent series on refining defining virtual NUMA topology
Jim: has a draft e-mail with review comments, which will hopefully get finished and sent out
Jim: May require another version of the series
* Big items in the pipeline
Jim: Removing xend driver and related code (that's more complex/tedious than we thought)
Jim: Need to get it done, because just rebasing the code is painful
Joao: working on some aspects of that too
* Live Migration
Lars: relates to a question on whether there are live migration issues
** Appears there are none (except possibly in some edge cases) **
Jim: SUSE has some automated migration testing (package and version upgrades).
Jim: No complaints until recently (but could be product related, ... not Xen/libvirt relateted)
Lars: asks whether libvirt migration is tested in OSSTEST
Joao: Migration is tested on OSSTEST via libvirt (but nor for all edge cases)
Joao: Last time I tested manually in March there were all issues (tested most execution paths; there was one intermittent strange issue)
=== 3: AOB ===
Next meeting should be fine – no issue with travel by Lars