George: needs a project plan on what needs to be done when from a HW and SW perspective. George needs to know what the pieces are and the order in which it he would like this to be done.
Ian: was hoping that the document that he sent to George is sufficient for George to create a plan and that George was planning to spec it out., after getting questions.
<George took some time to read the document>
Ian: believes that a sysadmin should take the plumbing document and add detail on it
George: states that he understands most of the document and may follow up with a few questions. There may be some more detail that is needed from line 96 of;a=blob;f=plumbing.txt;hb=HEAD
Ian clarified that all VMs have to be installed from scratch.
ACTION: George will use the plumbing diagram to put together a configuration plan, with an order in how to install items in the correct order, with estimated times. Until George has found a sysadmin, he will act as point of contact.
Ian would prefer to speak to the sysadmin directly through an email conversation, and to try to get a low-latency direct and recorded conversation about details.
=== Installation Plan ===
Ian: Related to the plan
* Does not have any dates on it.
* There is a section in the middle related to operating systems that needs to be amended (ideally in a separate SW config plan)
* Is happy with the level of detail
* We will probably need a separate SW config plan
ACTION: Ian to review plan and provide feedback or ACk if it is fine
ACTION: George, will draft dates and add contingency as needed