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Re: [Wg-test-framework] Updated Linux Testing Project Plan Schedule


>I think we should get the main servers set up in the colo as soon as
possible.  In particular, we must do the bulk of the VM setup and
configuration with the >servers (and the PDUs and switches) already
installed in the COLO.

>Trying to set things up on the bench and then move them to the colo later
will make the configuration management very difficult.  It will also make it
difficult >for me to help.

>IMO it is essential that I have access to the main servers' core operating
system (dom0) install and configuration so that I can review it.  This must
happen >_before_ we start setting up any VMs.

Once we get the main servers in which I hope will happen today I will bench
test them to make sure they are both functioning properly.  I can move them
to the COLO sooner that stated in the schedule,   I am still waiting on

>Your original dates as discussed in previous calls were to have the main
servers in the colo by the 10th of December.  I have emphasised that this
was for me >the thing which is on the critical path.  We know that this date
of the 10th of December has slipped by about a week because of the ram
problem with the main servers.  That would put that at the 17th of December.
But on your plan, the main servers are only moved into teh colo on the 30th
of December.  That's nearly an additional two weeks of delay, of which one
is probably lost to Christmas.  Where is the additional week of delay coming
from ?

I prefer to schedule in blocks that are real.  I think it is
counterproductive to try to schedule to the day.  Too many unknowns.  I
thought I would refine the Future schedule when we were actually into doing
the initial work.  I added a week as a buffer if I needed it.

>Many of the dates ranges in the plan are very wide for what I would expect
to be much shorter activities.  I would expect anything which will actually
take >more than a day or two (except things like soak tests) to be broken
down into more detail.

I am going to sit down with Don Slutz and work out a detail schedule similar
to the one I sent you explaining the configuration.

>Is this a way you have built contingency (margin for error) into the
schedule ?  If so, it would be better to do so explicitly.

>Your plan still says `Load OS and VM configuration files'.  That seems like
a holdover from the previous idea that we weren't setting up these VMs
afresh, but >were simply transferring them from elsewhere. 

See The Spread Sheet Detail I sent you to fill in the blanks.  I allocated
10 days in the GANT chart for the process.  I noted the spreadsheet on the
task line in the project plan.

>The plan does not, AFAICT, contain any breakdown of dates for operating
system and software installation and testing.

If you look at the Plan from "Configuration Testing" it is all testing.  If
we move the servers to the COLO sooner, then the whole schedule shrinks.  I
was trying to minimize risk in dealing with the shear amount of hardware.
DOA or infant mortality does occur.


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