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Re: [Wg-test-framework] question from Don Slutz


Don Slutz was the Don in question.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Jackson [mailto:Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 11:16 AM
To: Paul L. George; don@xxxxxxx; wg-test-framework@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Subject: Re: [Wg-test-framework] question from Don Slutz

Ian Jackson writes ("Re: [Wg-test-framework] question from Don Slutz"):
> Paul L. George writes ("question from Don Slutz"):
> > Don put this together on the 26^th but I did not get a chance to go 
> > through all of my mail until last night.
> Thanks for passing this on.  (Which Don?)

I have looked through setup-info.xls and most of it looks plausible.


 * Guest disks absolutely must be LVM volumes in the host.

 * The test runner VM `osstest' needs 4G of RAM.

 * 1G RAM seems very generous for the ssh gateway and the
   infrastructure VMs.  I would go with 512.

 * The webserver probably doesn't need 4 VCPUs because it isn't going
   to be doing anything complicated.

 * The webserver needs a ~200G webspace for test outputs and logs.

 * I think the database VM is way oversized.  I will try to find out
   how big the current database is and get back to you.


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