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Re: [Wg-test-framework] question from Don Slutz

Paul L. George writes ("question from Don Slutz"):
> Don put this together on the 26^th but I did not get a chance to go
> through all of my mail until last night.

Thanks for passing this on.  (Which Don?)

Don and Don, can we please send all of these questions
and answers directly to me, and CC the working group list ?  Having
this relayed by Paul is not going to work.

I have restored the CC list.

> What domain name to use?

Everything (including the public-facing names) should be under:
I have control of the DNS and can make the relevant entries.

To avoid a split view DNS we should have an internal subdomain which
contains the names/addresses of the internal hosts.  I suggest:

> What password for root?

You should generate a good fresh random password, and email it to me
encrypted with my PGP key.

> What full user name, user id to use, and password?

This is a funny question.  Have these questions been transcribed
straight from the Debian installer ?  D-I asks for details of an
initial user account, which it sets up for your convenience.

I would like my own user account to be `iwj'.  But whoever is doing
the install will probably find it most convenient to have their own
account set up by the installer.  Both their account, and mine, should
have sudo access.

You should generate a random password for my own user account and
email it to me encrypted with my pgp public key.

> Install desktop software?
> Install print software?
> Save any diag partition?

I see that these are indeed questions replicated from D-I.

The answer is `no' (obviously, to the first two, and slightly less
obviously to the latter).

> How to we share the root password with Ian Jackson?

See above.

> What is apt-cache and how do we set it up?


> What is git-cache and how do we set it up?

git-cache-proxy from

NB that we need the package from testing.  stable doesn't have the


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