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Re: [Wg-test-framework] question from Don Slutz

On Wed, 3 Dec 2014 15:31:59 +0000
Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Paul L. George writes ("question from Don Slutz"):

> > What domain name to use?
> Everything (including the public-facing names) should be under:
>     test-lab.xenproject.org
> I have control of the DNS and can make the relevant entries.
> To avoid a split view DNS we should have an internal subdomain which
> contains the names/addresses of the internal hosts.  I suggest:
>     i.test-lab.xenproject.org

Do you want a DNS server installed on the main servers? If so, on Dom0
or on one of their VMs?

> > What password for root?
> You should generate a good fresh random password, and email it to me
> encrypted with my PGP key.

And we get your PGP key from where? (I didn't find it when I queried
one of the public key servers.)

> > What full user name, user id to use, and password?
> This is a funny question.  Have these questions been transcribed
> straight from the Debian installer ?  D-I asks for details of an
> initial user account, which it sets up for your convenience.
> I would like my own user account to be `iwj'.  But whoever is doing
> the install will probably find it most convenient to have their own
> account set up by the installer.  Both their account, and mine, should
> have sudo access.
> You should generate a random password for my own user account and
> email it to me encrypted with my pgp public key.

Ditto (obviously).


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